
CoQ10 Information


CoQ10, also known as Coenzyme Q10, is a naturally produced enzyme that is prevalent in every cell within the body. CoQ10 provides a multitude of health benefits as well as providing a powerful antioxidant boost to help protect against free radicals and oxidative damage. CoQ10 has been shown to help improve cellular energy levels, mitigate headaches, benefit cardiovascular health, boost metabolism and improve cognitive function. It can be found in some oily or fatty foods such as salmon, organ meat, legumes, nuts and seeds however, the amount of CoQ10 found in these foods is very low and not enough to significantly raise CoQ10 levels in your body.

As we age, the levels of CoQ10 in our body decrease, leaving us susceptible to harmful diseases and a variety of health problems. When our body cannot fight off free radicals in an efficient manner, it can lead to a number of health issues, such as fatigue, cardiovascular dysfunction, memory loss, organ failure and more. CoQ10 is the primary antioxidant protector for mitochondria, the cells that generate most of the energy needed to power biochemical reactions – which means they are vital for healthy bodily function. It also means they require a sufficient amount of CoQ10 in order to function properly.

CoQ10 Health Benefits

Cardiovascular Health

Research has shown that CoQ10 may significantly improve cardiovascular health especially for people who suffer or have suffered from CVD (cardiovascular disease). Patients with heart failure, low blood pressure and low cholesterol have shown vast improvements when taking CoQ10. It has even proven beneficial to people who are already taking statins, as research has shown that the two work synergistically together, drastically lowering a person’s chances of having a repeated heart attack or stroke. CoQ10 has been regarded as the new “wonder drug” for those at risk for heart failure since it significantly lowers the chances of having a repeat attack. And to top it off, it helps control hypertension, reducing the blood pressure on the heart.

Antioxidant Benefits

One of the most well-known benefits of CoQ10 is its effect as an antioxidant. Antioxidants are crucial in protecting the organs from oxidative damage that can be caused by free radicals. Seeing as we’re constantly exposed to free radicals in our everyday lives, having strong antioxidant levels is imperative. Oxidative damage can lead to a number of health issues, including skin damage, organ failure and degenerative diseases. A powerful antioxidant can help protect our skin cells against external stressors such as: environmental damage, wrinkles and loss of moisture. Extreme amounts of free radicals can also cause a deficiency of CoQ10 in the brain  leading to headaches and migraines. The antioxidant feature of CoQ10 can help prevent these headaches and protect our internal organs from potential diseases.

Energy Supply & Muscle Recovery

The mitochondria are responsible for generating the energy in a cell, and CoQ10 helps stimulate these mitochondria to generate more energy. This makes the process of converting food into energy faster and more efficient. Healthy mitochondrial function ensures that the muscles work efficiently and help sustain exercise when working out. Not any less important, it also helps improve muscle recovery post exercise. CoQ10 can help reduce muscle pain post workout and reduce the risk of sport-related injuries.

Cognitive Function

The older we get, the more susceptible we are to damage caused by oxidative stress, hyperglycemia and other vascular abnormalities. This can result in all sorts of cognitive deficiencies affecting our memory and brain function. Two main causes of intellectual aging are as a result of oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction, both of which can be delayed by maintaining healthy levels of CoQ10. Research has shown a direct link between oxidative damage and cognitive function, while many neurodegenerative illnesses (such as Parkinson’s, Huntington’s and AD) are as a result of the mitochondria not functioning properly. CoQ10 can potentially play a crucial role in preventing these degenerative diseases and more.

Sources of CoQ10

CoQ10 is fat-soluble, which means it absorbs much better and faster in fat than in water to ensure maximum absorption. This is also why it is recommended to take a CoQ10 supplement that includes MCT oil in its formula – to enhance bioavailability. Thus one should take CoQ10 with fatty foods rather than with just a glass of water. Rich food sources of CoQ10 include:


It’s clear to see the variety of health benefits and the potential impact CoQ10 has on the body. Knowing that as we age, our CoQ10 levels decrease, it seems an obvious choice to take a supplement as a preventative measure. We highly recommend doing research into CoQ10 supplement options to ascertain which one is for you. Luckily, we’ve done all the work for you, just click below to see our product comparison to help you make the best choice.